Star Wars Battlefront Outer RIM - All you need to know

[SIZE=5]Cards and Pickups[/SIZE]
[]Scatter Gun Star Card fires microshards that pierces Shields
]Dioxis Grenade is like a smoke grenade, that does not inhibit much visibility but does DoT damage.
[]Adrenaline Stim Card heals over time.
]Ion Disruptor Rifle pickup - Charged pickup that does damage in a small radius.
[]Trait card: Berserker (Effects not known yet)
]Bacta Bomb: No info yet. Area heal?
[]DL-18 - Semi Auto - Jabba Palace Guards that Luke took in RoTJ
]Relby V-10 - Almost a sniper rifle. Has a scope. Semi Automatic blaster rifle. Fires as quickly as you tap the fire.
[]DL-12 - Slow rate of fire, high damage like the DL-44. 3 hits to kill it looks like. Looks like you can get about 8 shots to 10 shots before it overheats.
]DL-19X - Powerful slower than T-21 B fire weapon. One shot will overheat it. Very powerful.

[]15 v 15
]Mode is escorting a cart from checkpoint to checkpoint.
[]Imperials activate to stop it, rebels need to activate to start. Takes about the same amount of time as capping a droid in Droid Run. Roughly 4 seconds.
]There’s a limited shield that can be deployed on the cart by the rebels.
[]Each check point has heroes added. Still earned via pickup.
]You don’t get to choose which hero you play with when you pick it up.
[]Heroes stack. It isnt just one hero at a time. If you don’t die, when the next hero shows up you can play together.
]1st checkpoint, only Rebels get a hero.
[]2nd check point both sides get a hero.
]By Last Checkpoint only Imperials get a hero.
[*]Heros will NOT respawn
Heroes Vs. Villains

[]8 vs 8 now only for the Outer Rim DLC. 4 heroes vs 4 villains. This is to ensure that on the original maps, any player who doesn’t have the DLC wont be locked out of playing a hero. This may change.
]You can choose which Hero/Villain you want to play as at the start of the round now.
[]In each round only 2 honor guards will be allowed to spawn. After the 2 honor guards die, thats it.
]They are going to look at how to handle this mode with future DLC Packs, and how many heros per side will be allowed.
Hero Hunt

[]How the Hero is selected has been changed to be more enjoyable for everyone involved.
]Now it is based on damage done to the hero, and is set so that everyone should get to play the hero at least once.
[*]One of the current top 3 damage dealers will become the hero after a wheel of fortune style thing.

The focus of this DLC Was primarily closed quarters.

Sorosuub Pipelines

Pipelines Album

Sorusuub Refinery

[]Sorosuub Facility has a Dianoga. Lots of Lava. Facility is a manufacturing site for a lot of the tech vehicles.
]Designed around verticality, plenty of vertical gameplay
Jabba’s Palace

Image of the Palace Exterior

[]Its the Entire interior of Jabba’s Palace.
]Droid Torture Room is in
[]Lots of long hallways.
]Like a maze. A lot of routes to go.
[]Rancor Pit, Rancor is dead in the rancor pit. This is after ROTJ Events in the palace.
]Cargo sized game modes take place in the sail barge hangar area.

[]Sprint faster then normal soldier
]Confidence Level: Constant kills streaks in combat keep it high. Being out of combat gradually decreases confidence level. Upgrades your abilities.
Nien Nunb

[]Prox mines on smaller game modes. He can drop a total of 4 proximity mines. Larger game modes he can call in an orbital strike
]Turret that upgrades as his kills go up. Same as Greedo Confidence. It increases in damage as you get kills. Eventually it gets Explosive shots.
]Putting the turret down again will reset this.
[]Pulse Rifle on shorter C/D
]One of the emotes is the laugh from RoTJ. Perfect.
[*]His weapon is the DH-17.
Hud of Turret


[*]Vader’s parry/block time has been increased from 4 seconds to 8 seconds

[*]Now runs slower.
[SIZE=5]New Features[/SIZE]
General Improvements/Balance Changes

[]AUTOBALANCING IS BEING ADDED. It autobalances at the end of each map. IT ensures you do not play the same faction twice on the same map.
]Team Focus: A way to signify to your team which objective you are going to. The number goes up when you use E/Square/X on a particular obj.
[]Combat Roll by strafing and pressing alt. For Consoles, you double tap the crouch button.
]Grenades will no longer go through squad shields/Personal shields. (Cycler Rifle/Scatter gun will still pierce it.)
[]Ion Grenade will impact and destroy a shield.
]Level 60 Alien head for Rebels is a Weequay. IMAGE
[]Your hand now shows the trait on the load screen.
]First Person Zoom/aim for blasters without a scope now shows you looking right down the sights.
[]Barrage has had its fuse time lowered.
]New imperial skins are planned but no details have been announced yet. Dennis has stated that he has committed to them already.
[]A spectator mode is coming to private matches.
]There will be no new missions added with this dlc specifically. They may come with free updates

[]Score is on the left now.
]Ping is now displayed
[]Who is dead now also shows on scoreboard in a dark grey.
]Which player has the hero is now displayed on the Scoreboard
[*]Which player is currently in a vehicle

[*]Quickmatch: You can matchmake into any 12 player, 40 player or hero mode using the new Quickmatch feature. This cycles through modes every map.
[SIZE=5]Hutt contracts[/SIZE]
Hutt contract End of Game Screen

Second Screenshot

Hutt contract Unlock Screen

[]You must be level 12 before accessing Hutt contracts.
]The cards, and weapons of the DLC and future DLC’s are now unlocked via Hutt Contracts.
[]You unlock everything by completing tasks, similar to your daily objectives
]You must first buy a Hutt contract, and then complete the tasks to unlock the item.
[]DLT-19X and DL-18 are free for all players at launch to be unlocked through hutt contracts. You don’t need to have the DLC.
]They are starting out with fairly easy tasks, and will see how long it takes people to accomplish that and change it in the future if they need to.
[]Current items that came with the base game will not be unlocked through hutt contracts
]The Upgraded versions of all star cards will also be unlocked via contracts, by completing tasks that may involve using the base ability.