Should they add more types of gas? In WW1, they had multiple different types of gases, should they ass them?


LOL! I am sure there will be different types of gas in the game. I mean all of th emarketing material that we have seen has shown soliders with gas masks.

Hi! Yeah hopefully the presence of gas masks is an indicator, I think if DICE are going for authentic we’ll see @ChemicalWarfare :open_mouth:

You are correct, they seem to have been very creative with the periodic table in WWI[B]:

Xylyl bromide[/B]
Lachrymatory, toxic[/INDENT]

Corrosive. Lung Irritant[/INDENT]

Irritant - Skin and mucous membranes. Corrosive, toxic[/INDENT]

Benzyl bromide

Chloromethyl chloroformate
Irritant - Eyes, skin, lungs[/INDENT]

Trichloromethyl chloroformate
Severe irritant, causes burns[/INDENT]

Irritant, lachrymatory, toxic[/INDENT]

Stannic chloride
Severe irritant, causes asphyxiating[/INDENT]

Ethyl iodoacetate
Lachrymatory, toxic[/INDENT]

Lachrymatory, irritant[/INDENT]

Monobromomethyl ethyl ketone
Lachrymatory, irritant[/INDENT]

Lachrymatory, toxic[/INDENT]

Hydrogen cyanide(Prussic acid)
Toxic, Chemical Asphyxiant[/INDENT]

Hydrogen sulfide(Sulphuretted hydrogen)
Irritant, toxic[/INDENT]

Diphenyl chlorasine
Irritant/Sternutatory (causes sneezing)[/INDENT]

Benzyl chloride
Irritant, lachrymatory[/INDENT]

Mustard gas(Bis(2-chloroethyl) sulfide)
Vesicant (blistering agent), lung irritant[/INDENT]

Bis(chloromethyl) ether (Dichloromethyl ether)
Irritant, can blur vision[/INDENT]



LOL! I see what you did there

Of all of those, the only one I hard heard of is Mustard gas.

Good thing there is gas masks, will there be gas masks for horsey’s as well?

Somehow I doubt it. From what I can tell, the horses are more in the “desert” maps

Makes sense, but still better to have a horse in a game, compared to a dog…