[]The ability to remove/ignore a server on the Battlelog server list (in the case that I’m banned from that server)
[]Tire tracks permanently left behind vehicles
[]Destructable walls
[]The LAV not getting stuck on every tiny rock
[]If a small building collapses on a heavy vehicle (like a tank), the tank should be able to survive and move its way out of the rubble
[]cough world war II
[*]ability to enable/disable levolution (shanghai is much better with building up)
What are you looking for?
I completely agree about that with Shanghai. More than anything I have faith they’ll produce a good game, but it needs to be balanced and have good netcode at launch. I just want an announcement.
There is no doubt in my mind that the launch will be solid. They screwed up BF4 launch. Hardline is a joke. BF5 will have the infrastructure in place for launch.
i think the rolling would allow more of a chance of surviving, always been a gripe of mine, once your lying down they may as well read you your last rites, and the reason i said about the knife mechanics is i got slaughtered in a knife only death match simply because once you commit to attacking someone, you cant counter the counter, countering the countered counter would be interesting…if that makes sense
Is there a lot of that going on? I mean on the public servers? A showdown of sorts where one player waits for another to commit to the slash before he counters?
In my whole Battlefield 4 career, I think I have only successfully pulled off a counterknife 2-3 times. Wish there was a separate stat for that on Battllog…
i know there is one server where they play knife only death match, i was on it a couple of nights ago, and to be honest it is a lot of fun, only time ive seen actual foot chases in this game, but yeah there are dedicated matches but they are few and far between.