Battlefield 1 Real Life Locations?

What do you guys think? Are these the real life locations? The ruins of the church at Montfaucon-d’Argonne & the railway lines put down by the French

Credit to @TheAngryMister on twitter.

First one reminds me of The Talos Principle, one of my fave puzzlers.

Either way, thise game is starting to look better and better. Wonder if we will see a different map during the beta?

I am impressed, must of been real locations they took and put in the game, DICE did it with Star Wars Battlefront on some maps (mostly Vanilla maps)

Yeah - as I said earlier, I really, really want to get another map for the beta.

The tall trees and broken train tracks reminds me of a battle ground I visited in Germany where a train was derailed by explosives and crashed a bunch of trees

@Cam2childish what are the chances you have some pics of that? I have a thing for old ruins…

Also, welcome to the forum

that railroad is across my street

Really? Got any “live pics”?