What's hardly like?

It is not a BAD game by itself, but is it worth the Battlefield name? i dont think so. Also, it is prctically impossible to find a server that is populated. not good for a MP game
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I think its not a bad Game and doesn’t deserve the bad press it has been given…
Ok its BF3 or even BF4 but still a good game none the less… specialy with friend’s or with your platoon…
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I personally think it shouldnt have been associated with the “Battlefield” name. Not in the same class
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I actually bought hardline last week on sale because bf4 is becoming less attractive for me.
So I might start venturing into hardline some more in the coming months.
I played the hardline beta before release but it just didn’t feel like battlefield although it kinda looks like it.

I hope it has been improved since the beta, I haven’t played it much since I got it.
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I actually bought hardline last week on sale because bf4 is becoming less attractive for me.
So I might start venturing into hardline some more in the coming months.
I played the hardline beta before release but it just didn’t feel like battlefield although it kinda looks like it.

I hope it has been improved since the beta, I haven’t played it much since I got it.
I only started about a month its not as bad as some say
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well i play on ps4 and pc ! its awesome fun its a not so serious bf game has good pace , nice to just pick up and have some fun with 😉 and i still play all the other battlefield games so dont hate me for liking hardline i,m old and dont need telling i,m wrong lol 😉
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Agree good game but not bf good… and still better then cod in my eyes
I dunno man, Modern Warfare IV, or whatever it was called was a pretty decent game, and I would say it is heads and shoulders above Hardline
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i played half a round of mw then threw it in the bin didnt even trade it in i was that pissed off by it ! just my opinion though it was not for me even though i loved 2142
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The way I see Battlefield Hardline, it is very infantry based, which is awesome for me because that is all I do in Battlefield 4, maybe a bit of tanking (get 2 - 3 kills and death) but I would quit a server if a skilled vehicle player is dominating the game, then I jump into Hardline, the auto triggers from the criminals is usually very funny, stuff like ‘fuck you cop’ and ‘watch out for that whirly bird!’ Just makes it more enjoyable for me
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i played half a round of mw then threw it in the bin didnt even trade it in i was that pissed off by it ! just my opinion though it was not for me even though i loved 2142
2142 was an aquired taste. Some of the community just loved it, while others… Well, didnt
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shit… luckily I found about 3 servers on Hardline which is usually full during the evening
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