The bugs of Battlefield1


Staff member
This is exactly why we go through the alpha/beta process. Some of these bugs are comical!

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Luckily for alpha and beta’s, now DICE can fix these bugs, that spinning cannon and hit indicator is still a problem in BF4 tho
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Agreed. Given some of the bugs in the video above, DICE have their work cut out for them to squash these bugs before the beta and eventual gold release.
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Remember when EA said to DICE ‘BF4 must launch in December 2013!’ And the game was a complete mess… Hopefully DICE will grow a pair and tell EA to piss off
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Wow, that’s a lot though! Nice one to the video creator. A few of those bugs are left over from BF4 suh as; The weapon not firing after a revive (until swapping to pistol), seeing through some walls in certain situations and dead players kits ending up far from body are some I noticed.
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Remember when EA said to DICE ‘BF4 must launch in December 2013!’ And the game was a complete mess… Hopefully DICE will grow a pair and tell EA to piss off
Easier said than done when “the man” is paying your wages.
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Wow, that’s a lot though! Nice one to the video creator. A few of those bugs are left over from BF4 suh as; The weapon not firing after a revive (until swapping to pistol), seeing through some walls in certain situations and dead players kits ending up far from body are some I noticed.
Yeah - just about 100 days until the game is live. Pretty much ensures there will be a day one patch.
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