Our Battle through Battlefield


New member
This is our Battlefield, the one we’ve been waiting for!
I feel the bigger hype as we all did for Battlefield 3, not many got access to that Alpha Trial, never going to forget the excitement and happiness in my eyes and heart.

Been playing all series and so far my favourite is still Bad Company 2.

I look forward for the new BATTLEFIELD and would like to thank you for this forum!

I’ll see you on the Battlefield friends and new soldiers.

Stay safe!

Pazz 🤘
Yeah, the interwebs are on fire today for new Battlefield news. It’s getting late in the day to make an announcement,

Actually, as I typed that I realized that in LA, it is still morning time.

Anyway, @Pazz_79 welcome to the forum, and thanks for taking the time to make a post. Why not head over to Da Intro's to tell us a bit more about yourself.
Bad Company 2 had better building destructions, no funny
Melee animations, just simple knife click 😁
BF4 took 1 year to fix everything in it where I liked much afterwards.
BFBC2 for me is just better, maybe because I spend more time in it and maybe it’s because I’m still 7th in the world of knife only on leaderboard.
Just my point of view 👍
7th in the world? You have proof of that? NOt that I don’t believe you, but if true, you are a legend.

Makes me want to re-install Bad Company 2 now. It’s been so long since I played it.
Dedicated man - that’s for sure. Just as a matter of interest, why were you not able to rack up the hours in Battlefield 1 and Battlefield V?
Quake Champions? Is that a reboot or something of the original QUake? Like Quake Arena?
Just watching the speed of that game was enough to make me slightly nauseous. I think I will stick to things that are more my speed.

Online scrabble anyone?
Lol, I just finished a game of online chess (thanks to the Queens Gambit). That’s how fast I am moving these days
What did you think of the queens gambit are there any other shows that you recommended it’s available online for streaming