One of my best BF4 pictures

Very, very cool. I have a couple of questions for you.
  1. What tools do you use to capture these images without the HUD?
  2. Favourite Battlefield game of all time.
  3. What resolution do you capture these images in?
There are tools from Hattiwatt1, so you can do everything with them, including displaying the Hud. Battlefield 2-4 are my favorite parts. My resolution is 2560 x 1440. With my 3080 I could play in 4K, but I’m not a fan of 4K.
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I gotta ask. With a video card like that, why don’t you like playing in 4k?

Also, where the heck did you even find a 3080, they are damn near impossible to locate.
bought mine from Alternate. Ordered in the evening and the next day she was with me. I personally don’t enjoy playing in 4k. Rather on my two 32 inch 200Hz devices

You can find all my pictures here. Hope it’s alright
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bought mine from Alternate. Ordered in the evening and the next day she was with me. I personally don’t enjoy playing in 4k. Rathe
Well, congrats on snagging one. I am still on the lookout for one, but everywhere I look seems to be sold out.

What else is in your PC? Proc? RAM, SSD?
Oh man - that’s a sweet rig!! Can you post a pic of your whole setup/battlestation?

p.s. What case is that?