The Dog Tags have been sent to the winners Origin account email address. If your code is missing, hit me up on Twitter - []
And without further ado… Here we go!
TolikPavlov - Tolik is a well-known Battlefield photographer, which provides us with a high-quality shots for almost everyday usage. Thanks to him we can fully confirm that Battlefield is visually gorgeous game. He is also a leader of the Russian “Battlefield-Life” community. Thanks for your dedication, Tolik! []
Daniluk4000 - Daniluk4000 is a very active administrator of Russian Battlefield community. Active member of Answers HQ and hyperactive Battlelog helper. Being constructive and creative are great qualities for the Battlefielder, and we salute you! []
B4D_RUSSI4N - B4D_RUSSI4N is actually a good russian: he helps us with keeping Russian Community Battlefield servers up, running and populated.His knowledge of how to serve the community helps us a lot — and we are grateful to him. []
Golden-Eagle-SA - For maintaining the Middle East community and managing several servers, and is the founder of [] []
W4rH0rse - Assisting many players with the DICE LA camo (including trasnlating morse code) and the phantom bow with all the dog tags []
The_Wilgis - Assisting many players in obtaining the DICE LA camo on his server, this dedicated player puts others first. []
INachol - Has offered his skills to create dogtags for players presentations, is generally helpful and constructive with the console community and spends some time helping people on AHQ []
Officerlatrel - Has spearheaded many PS4 events on the forums, such as a short film and a bounty event. He’s helped greatly in bringing many members of the community together. []
b2tchwood - Actively participates in forum and reddit discussions providing constructive and valuable feedback for the PS4 community, as well as assists in the Forumfielders Hangout servers for PS4. []
pressy519 - Nominated by MANY people for his assistance in decoding the morse code for players to acquired their DICE LA camo []
spitfiresiemion - AHQ Hero, regular of the Friday Night Battlefield events, Siemion is always willing to help other community members and promotes positive interactions. []
Deity7777 - Leader of the Angels of Death clans. Runs multiple servers, promoting fair-play, fun, and team interaction. []
AoA_BOHICA - DRMB leader and Arrogance of Aggresion clan member, stream manager, dedicated fan and community member. []
Noble888EmilyEv - Active helper on AHQ with the Italian community, and assists with entering bugs in the bug tracker []
Oolala8D - Streamer and community influencer, she has fun with the community and regularly shares content on her channels. []
GrizzleBF - Content creator and community influencer, Griz has been a dedicated community member since Battlefield 2. []
AdonisUndead - Streamer and content creator for BF4 and BFH, Adonis continues to share his created content and streams, promoting the Battlefield franchise. []
M1k3ol - Battlelog Moderator and community helper, Miguel tirelessly works to keep the community informed and as a safe place to discuss all things Battlefield. []
FAST_15_1988 - Community influencer, streamer, dedicated fan, and content creator. []
Prophet_on_Fire - Community influencer, streamer and content creator, and dedicated fan, Prophet is a member of Clan Lucky strike and regularly streams when he’s not tattooing. []
IAKAARTI - Content creator. This community member has created walkthroughs and guides for new players (and techniques to enhance the playstyle of some veterans). []
larrylaessig1 - Community influencer, fan, and event creator, known for the Humans Vs. Zombies events on PS4. Larry really cares about the community and continues to create Game with Dev events. []
TheBullzeyeKK - Dedicated community member, Easter Egg hunter, cinematic cast member, Bullzeye has been a steadfast fan and dedicated community member. []
TapouTony420 - AHQ Hero, regular of the Friday Night Battlefield events, and dedicated fan, Tony puts the community first by volunteering to help with troubleshooting, tech issues, and game interaction. []
JoolzR33 - Aus/NZ outstanding community member, providing feedback on server maintenance and the CTE, and helping with local & internationals Aus/NZ events. []
ssgalucin - For 3 years, ssgalucin was helping RU moderators with their work, so Battlelog forums are always clean. He also is a HERO on EA Answers HQ and Eashooters. Thanks, soldier. []
andrey-platunov - Andrey is an Answer HQ moderator who has put in a lot of time and effort in helping users. []
MugsTV - Streamer, content creator, and dedicated fan to the Battlefield franchise. Check out his stream sometime! []
justbiglee - UK Community Manager for Battlefield, Lee continues to drive excellence for the UK Battlefield community. []
JRWhitey - Joseph has been instrumental in helping the Battlefield team deliver live streams to our community. His technical prowess, dedication, and personality are the stuff of legends. []
NewWorldShogun - Veteran of the franchise, Shogun is a dedicated community member in multiple clans such as Arrogance of Aggresion and DRMB. Always promotes teamwork and playing the objective. []
T3RRORTOAST - German Community Manager & Theme Developer @ BETTER BATTLELOG, T3RROR has helped create many themes for the browser add-on and continues to work to expand the community. []
Congrats to these recipients and thanks for being part of the Battlefield Community!
And without further ado… Here we go!
TolikPavlov - Tolik is a well-known Battlefield photographer, which provides us with a high-quality shots for almost everyday usage. Thanks to him we can fully confirm that Battlefield is visually gorgeous game. He is also a leader of the Russian “Battlefield-Life” community. Thanks for your dedication, Tolik! []
Daniluk4000 - Daniluk4000 is a very active administrator of Russian Battlefield community. Active member of Answers HQ and hyperactive Battlelog helper. Being constructive and creative are great qualities for the Battlefielder, and we salute you! []
B4D_RUSSI4N - B4D_RUSSI4N is actually a good russian: he helps us with keeping Russian Community Battlefield servers up, running and populated.His knowledge of how to serve the community helps us a lot — and we are grateful to him. []
Golden-Eagle-SA - For maintaining the Middle East community and managing several servers, and is the founder of [] []
W4rH0rse - Assisting many players with the DICE LA camo (including trasnlating morse code) and the phantom bow with all the dog tags []
The_Wilgis - Assisting many players in obtaining the DICE LA camo on his server, this dedicated player puts others first. []
INachol - Has offered his skills to create dogtags for players presentations, is generally helpful and constructive with the console community and spends some time helping people on AHQ []
Officerlatrel - Has spearheaded many PS4 events on the forums, such as a short film and a bounty event. He’s helped greatly in bringing many members of the community together. []
b2tchwood - Actively participates in forum and reddit discussions providing constructive and valuable feedback for the PS4 community, as well as assists in the Forumfielders Hangout servers for PS4. []
pressy519 - Nominated by MANY people for his assistance in decoding the morse code for players to acquired their DICE LA camo []
spitfiresiemion - AHQ Hero, regular of the Friday Night Battlefield events, Siemion is always willing to help other community members and promotes positive interactions. []
Deity7777 - Leader of the Angels of Death clans. Runs multiple servers, promoting fair-play, fun, and team interaction. []
AoA_BOHICA - DRMB leader and Arrogance of Aggresion clan member, stream manager, dedicated fan and community member. []
Noble888EmilyEv - Active helper on AHQ with the Italian community, and assists with entering bugs in the bug tracker []
Oolala8D - Streamer and community influencer, she has fun with the community and regularly shares content on her channels. []
GrizzleBF - Content creator and community influencer, Griz has been a dedicated community member since Battlefield 2. []
AdonisUndead - Streamer and content creator for BF4 and BFH, Adonis continues to share his created content and streams, promoting the Battlefield franchise. []
M1k3ol - Battlelog Moderator and community helper, Miguel tirelessly works to keep the community informed and as a safe place to discuss all things Battlefield. []
FAST_15_1988 - Community influencer, streamer, dedicated fan, and content creator. []
Prophet_on_Fire - Community influencer, streamer and content creator, and dedicated fan, Prophet is a member of Clan Lucky strike and regularly streams when he’s not tattooing. []
IAKAARTI - Content creator. This community member has created walkthroughs and guides for new players (and techniques to enhance the playstyle of some veterans). []
larrylaessig1 - Community influencer, fan, and event creator, known for the Humans Vs. Zombies events on PS4. Larry really cares about the community and continues to create Game with Dev events. []
TheBullzeyeKK - Dedicated community member, Easter Egg hunter, cinematic cast member, Bullzeye has been a steadfast fan and dedicated community member. []
TapouTony420 - AHQ Hero, regular of the Friday Night Battlefield events, and dedicated fan, Tony puts the community first by volunteering to help with troubleshooting, tech issues, and game interaction. []
JoolzR33 - Aus/NZ outstanding community member, providing feedback on server maintenance and the CTE, and helping with local & internationals Aus/NZ events. []
ssgalucin - For 3 years, ssgalucin was helping RU moderators with their work, so Battlelog forums are always clean. He also is a HERO on EA Answers HQ and Eashooters. Thanks, soldier. []
andrey-platunov - Andrey is an Answer HQ moderator who has put in a lot of time and effort in helping users. []
MugsTV - Streamer, content creator, and dedicated fan to the Battlefield franchise. Check out his stream sometime! []
justbiglee - UK Community Manager for Battlefield, Lee continues to drive excellence for the UK Battlefield community. []
JRWhitey - Joseph has been instrumental in helping the Battlefield team deliver live streams to our community. His technical prowess, dedication, and personality are the stuff of legends. []
NewWorldShogun - Veteran of the franchise, Shogun is a dedicated community member in multiple clans such as Arrogance of Aggresion and DRMB. Always promotes teamwork and playing the objective. []
T3RRORTOAST - German Community Manager & Theme Developer @ BETTER BATTLELOG, T3RROR has helped create many themes for the browser add-on and continues to work to expand the community. []
Congrats to these recipients and thanks for being part of the Battlefield Community!
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