[FORUM GAME] Would You Rather?


New member
Forum games, my favorite.

Objective: Answer the would you rather question above you and then continue with your own would you rather question. Got it? Cool. I’ll begin.

Would you rather have bad breath 24/7 or have bad BO 24/7? Neither can be taken away by anything.
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Forum games, my favorite.

Objective: Answer the would you rather question above you and then continue with your own would you rather question. Got it? Cool. I’ll begin.

Would you rather have bad breath 24/7 or have bad BO 24/7? Neither can be taken away by anything.
Im going with BO. You know what they say if you can’t smell yourself you can’t love yourself.
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Never be hungry. I need my watahhhh.

Would you rather have the ability to turn invisible or have the ability to read minds?
Invisible, because then I can pull the best pranks of 2016.

WYR fly or teleport?
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