i;m going to explain why BF5 is going to be 2143
the story began with some eastereggs in BF3 dlc, end game and back to karkand.
Some of you might remember those easter eggs.
now the first easter egg there is to find is the number 2143 on a crate at wake island as you can see here"
and you can find this crate in BF4 aswell BF4 is loaded with those crates it’s almost like that dice whant us
to be reminded of this number 2143 and yes after the first easteregg dice tweeted that they have no plans for 2142 so far"
and that is what brings us to the second easter egg in BF3 the DLC end game"
The second easter egg is a futuristic aircraft-drone which has the EU logo and the number 808 on it
The EU logo is from a faction in 2142 and most of the EU militair vehicles has the number 808
After people have found and shared this easteregg on the internet dice literly said noting about this (easteregg)"
and they didn’t because this easter-egg is basicaly the answer on the first easter egg 2143 crate that you can find on wake island"
oh and you can find this easter egg on the map riverside from the dlc end game"
now the start of developmend of BF2016, a guy from youtube-channel neebsgaming nicknamed Thick44,said that a friend of him"
probely a dice developer told thick44 that dice started working on BF2016 before they started working on starwars battlefrond
which was on may-2013, right after the latest 2143 easteregg of BF3 which was launched in 2013 march, so basicaly they started developing
bf2016 between 2011 and 2013. when BF2016 is lauched it means that this game has been in developmend for atleast 5 and a half year"
and i dont think that they started earlyer then 2011 so i has to be 2142 because off those eastereggs.and if you want to hear it from thick44 yourself
just click on the link in the discription"
bf4 campaing"
now we move on to BF4 campaing
there are 3 references to 2142 in BF4 campaing
first. a guy named"pac" p.a.c (pan asian coalition) an eastern fraction in 2142
second. a carrier ship called titan, titan is a hugh flying carriership in 2142
and at last the BF4 mission suez canal, suez canal is a fan favorite map in 2142
and i dont see the point of suez canal being in BF4 all mission is taking place in asia and sudendly there is a mission in suaz canal in africa
it’s abvious that this mission is a reference to 2142"
BF4 dlc’s"
First… navel strike, with navel strike they brought in a new game mode called carrier assault which is based on
titan mode from 2142. might just have been a test i dont know but it is related to 2142
then the dlc final stand"
final stand is filled with elements from 2142: the pan asian coalition has vormed, hover-tanks, a titan-ship under construction in hanger 21
the rauch-railgun and ofcours launch pods" this dlc basicaly confirms that BF2016 is going to be 2143, dice didn’t explains why there are
2142 elements in this dlc they didn’t say no or yes to 2143 and that basicaly says it al if dice isn’t developing 2143 at all they would
have told us"
@ 22:25
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