Nice vid.
I hope the use of machine guns in this game is done true to history.
In 1914 it was the germans who had the first machine guns, they took a crew of 4 and were as heavy as a man to carry, 60kg+
In 1915 the Germans started making some similar to the ones we see in this vid that are water cooled and a bit smaller, as in they had almost like an outer barrel around the barrel that help water, even with the water you could still only have around 2 minutes of fire before a water change was needed, they often used to piss in them iff desperate with no water.
Out of memory it wasn’t till 1917 that they made machine guns for one soldier/solo.
The Poms rejected machine guns in their wisdom at the start of the war, they saw them as a novelty, they were forced to start using them when the germans were mowing through them with them.
In the first few years of WW1 nobody was running around carrying small machine guns, early 1918 was the start of solo machine guns on a large scale as far as I’m aware.
I hope battlefield1 takes that into account.