Battlefield 1 - Sikh Medic

I think minimal soldier customization can be pretty cool

Hats and moustaches, that’s all I ask of DICE.

That would be really cool @TinnedTommy

LOL! I love it!

No uniform customisation seemingly confirmed by gameinformer. RIP The Dream.

Damn shame. Perhaps in the future, who knows. Even if it was just to swap models, Battlefront style, it would be very cool. Especially given the variety of uniforms present in WW1 on every side.

Equally though, I guess the reason is because they want very specific appearances for each faction based on the maps that they fight on. For example, perhaps they have ‘desert’ models for the british, wearing Keffiyehs and piths or something in Arabia, while you’ll see steel hats and sikhs in the fields of France.

I still think they missed a trick not including Highlanders in the British faction. Imagine those kilts in battle, with real physics. It would look spectacular.

I am pretty sure they could make some awesome kilts, look at Darth Vader cape in Battlefront

I wouldn’t envy you going over barbed wire though.

In that recent leak on Reddit from people who were digging around in the alpha it was suggested that you might be able to change your characters face, but I’m not sure how they came to that.

Digital Foundry have already swooned at the capes! lol

With a mace? :stuck_out_tongue:

You mean kinda like the character customizations in Fifa, NBA etc?

sorry guys, from what i heard, no dice… pun included, no character customization.

I see what you did there.

That’s a scary looking dude… Jason X great grandad or something

I wouldnt fancy get knocked with his machete thing…

It’s a nope machete… he takes it out, you scream ‘nope’ and run away

LOL!@ Then change your underwear.

LoL :smiley: that too, yes